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Doctor trains medical students using a patient simulator.

Sprague HOSA

h.o.s.a. - sprague high school future health professionals

What is HOSA?

HOSA is a professional student organization and a powerful instructional tool that provides students the opportunity to gain skills in personal management, problem solving, communication, teamwork, employment foundations and career development outside of the classroom as they prepare to pursue careers in health care.

The purpose of HOSA is to develop leadership and technical HOSA skill competencies through a program of motivation, awareness and recognition, which is an integral part of the Health Science Education instructional program. 

Student looks at a virus on their computer screen in a medical lab.

How do I join HOSA?

Becoming a HOSA member is simple:

  1. Complete the Sprague HOSA Member Registration Form.
  2. Sign up for our Sprague HOSA Google Classroom.  Class Code: rejsq55
  3. IF YOU ARE PLANNING TO COMPETE, submit your payment of $25 to the bookkeeper and then show the advisor your receipt of payment. Scholarships are available! Talk to an advisor.
  4. Regularly check the Sprague HOSA Google Classroom to stay informed.
  5. Attend meetings!

Sprague HOSA Calendar

HOSA Student Leadership








  • Guide the group and establish additional committees as needed
  • Create an environment of acceptance, inclusion and develop a cohesive group

  • Schedule guest speakers

  • Competition Coordinator and promoter

Social Media Commissioner/Historian

  • Runs all social media
  • Assists with advertising and growing club membership and visibility within the larger school community

  • Keeps record of the club's accomplishments and activities throughout the year, and collecting photographs, news articles and other memorabilia important to the club.

  • Creates a video at the end of the year

  • Maintain the history of the group

2024 - 2025 HOSA Leadership Team

  • PRESIDENT: Jaida Carodine
  • ADVISOR: Amy West (room 56)
  • ADVISORY: Jamie Ellis (room 53)

Vice-President/Recruitment Committee Chair

  • Grows club membership within the larger school community
  • Improve visibility within the school

  • Meets with their committee at least once a month

  • Creates a promotional item/event at least once a month

Community Outreach Coordinator/Secretary

  • Communicating with chapter members (e.g. chapter-wide emails)
  • Organizes communication between leadership and committees

  • Creates meeting minutes for each meeting

  • Established community partnerships & experiences (once per se

Leadership Positions Overview


  • Actively engage in leadership duties.
  • Meet once a month as a leadership group.
  • Compete in at least one event at the State Leadership Conference.




Vice Presidents/Fundraising Chair

  • Organizes and runs fundraisers
  • Meets with their committee at least once a month

  • Organizes a weekly schedule for restocking the vending machines


Elections occur each Spring. Please see an advisor for more information.

A pristine, shiny surgery room loaded with equipment.


We are a group of students who are committed to developing leadership, communication, knowledge and professional skills that will enable them to become successful members of the health care field.


We value learning. We are committed to learning and becoming respected, knowledgeable and skilled health professionals.  We will respect the experiences and contributions of our teachers, peers and patients and seek to learn from them.

We value leadership. We will serve as role models in our academic program, profession and community. We will be ethical, accountable and trustworthy.  We will use our influence to empower others to strive for excellence.
We value service. We are dedicated to serving others with compassion. We believe that individuals are important, and we will treat everyone with respect and care.

We value innovation. We are dedicated to enriching the lives of others. We will continuously seek the knowledge and skills to address challenges and improve the health profession.


The goals of Sprague's HOSA programs include:

  • To promote physical, mental and social well being.
  • To develop effective leadership qualities and skills.
  • To develop the ability to communicate more effectively with people.
  • To develop character.
  • To develop responsible citizenship traits.
  • To understand the importance of pleasing oneself as well as being of service to others.
  • To build self-confidence and pride in one's work.
  • To make realistic career choices and seek successful employment in the health care field and promote career opportunities in health care.
  • To develop an understanding of the importance in interacting and cooperating with other students and organizations.
  • To encourage individual and group achievement.
  • To develop an understanding of current health care issues, environmental concerns, and survival needs of the community, the nation and the world.
  • To encourage involvement in local, state and national health care and education projects.