Peer Mentors
Want to become a Mentor?
If you will be a Junior or Senior next year and would like to become a Mentor, please make sure you forecast for the class and fill out the application! The application can be found on Google Classroom using the code below! This is a year-long class and therefore a year-long commitment.
Please fill out an application for the 2024-2025 school year now!
Google Classroom Code: wibmpsv
Everyone needs someone to be in their corner. If you are looking for someone to be there for you, reach out! Speaking with your counselor is a great way to begin the process of finding a mentor for you!
The Peer Mentorship Program is here to help all student adjust to the high school experience. Mentors are trained to help with all of the challenges of life in high school (academic and social emotional growth).
What Student's need to know.
We ALL NEED MENTORS. Becoming a Mentor is a commitment to helping others feel seen, known, and loved. Being a mentee is admitting what is true about ALL OF US, that WE ALL NEED SOMEONE TO BE IN OUR CORNER. All of our Mentors have Mentors and are excited to get to connect with you!
What Parents need to know.
Mentors are trained to help students prioritize their mental health, while also providing academic and social advice. Peer mentors are selected based on their personal integrity, character, and an authentic desire to serve. All mentors are enrolled in a class and are held accountable to the highest standards as they interact with your student. If your student would like a mentor, it requires no extra time or effort but provides social and academic support and access to free events to help students connect and develop positive relationships with their peers. The Sprague community genuinely cares about your student, and we are committed to helping them feel like they belong here!